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black tea

High quality leaf tea from the best tea regions of Georgia - Mziani and Tkibuli plantations

Black tea keeps you up and energized, thanks to theophylline and caffeine. Studies show that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Unlike other drinks that have a relatively higher caffeine content, the low amounts found in tea can help enhance blood flow to the brain without over-stimulating the heart. With black tea you will bypass the caffeine 'blues' - insomnia, irritability, headaches, etc. - that can follow when you have too much caffeine from other energy drinks

Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response. In addition it also contains tannins that have the ability to fight viruses and hence keep us protected from influenza, stomach flu and other such commonly found viruses in our everyday lives.

Some of the most recent researches have also pointed that antioxidants present in black tea are good for heart health; can lower risks of heart attacks.

Black tea helps to regulate blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling more balanced and satisfied - and craving fewer sweets. Antioxidants are known for contributing to weight management - they boost metabolism and help the body burn fat more effectively. They also disable free radicals and encourage a strong immune system.

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